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  • Thắng búp sen DBH105

  • Giá: Liên hệ
  • Lượt xem: 1115
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Thông tin sản phẩm thắng búp sen DBH104 & thang bup sen DBH105

Thắng búp sen DBH105, THẮNG KHÍ NÉN DBH104, Thắng búp sen DBH205, DBH204, Thắng búp sen DBG104 ,thang bup sen DBG105, thắng khí nén DBG204, thắng búp sen DBG205

The type brake is for horizontal-type installation, it can provides approximately 2 times of braking powder than vertical installation.
Add the expandable shrapnel to guarantee the brake balance, The friction part is easy to replace, and it does not contain any asbestos, To control the deceleration of moving parts for small and medium powers, the best solution is the combination of a brake disc with one or more pneumatic calipers.
Torque Formula : Braking Torque (kgm) =Braking Force
(kg) x Effective Disc Radius (Actual)(mm)

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  • 094 788 1820 - 0918 769 098 ( Zalo, Viber)

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  • 094 788 1820 ( Zalo, Viber)
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